Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't take things personally

I often have to remind myself that everyone around me is just like me. We are all doing the best we can, for who we are and what our situation is right now.

I too could have been a better mom, sister, daughter, wife or friend. I do the best I can when it comes to my child, same as my mom does. I have screwed up a lot. I'm sure other mothers feel the same. All I can do is hope Kenny can look back at his childhood and see that we did our best and there were good times had.

There have been times in my life where my sister needed me and I was not there or she felt like she couldn't turn to me. It goes the other way too. Don't do things to purposely her your siblings, you will need them later in life.

Friends, I think it is the hardest to be a true friend. I have had to walk away from several friends because I needed all my emotional resources for my own life.

Being a wife, one of the things that I have sucked at most. I have provoked arguments, said horrible things and contemplated harm against the man that I vowed to love the rest of my life. Those of you that know our history, I am not excusing the things he did to me. I can look back now and understand where our motives and emotions came from.

They say to learn from others mistakes. I don't really believe you can do that. To truly learn about life, love and relationships you have you put yourself out there and experience them. It will be painful at times. Not only for you but for those around you.


Jose said...

Powerful post, very well stated. Love ya guys!

desihabits said...

True. We learn from others mistake (only after, we experience that mistake in our life too.)

ChaChaDoll said...

LOVE love LOVE this! Very powerful at least you can admit it! Some people hide and deny it all day long. You go...much love ChaCha

Jack said...

I agree that risk is definitely a catalyst for learning, but you need to have the courage to actually take things personally, and to relate them to yourself. Alienation may be easier, but you need not deny the self not to suffer, you just should be careful to conceptualize yourself in a healthy, organic, mindful way.

Unknown said...

Well said and thank you.

Sometimes we know these things, but just haven't had the intelligence to put it together so well. It helps a lot. Thank you!

Miss said...

Like your post very deep and real my family is on the dysfunctional side too so to speak too but our love for eachother has never been overlooked instead its been brought out thru our strength good luck to you and please check out my site

Constance Mirkson said...

I like so much this post it's..personal:)and real!You write great!You have a style so..clear!
Follow you!
oxoxo, Bella

Clara said...

i love the part about friends and its true after all that i had went though to figure it out this is the last time i will sit up crying and waiting for that certain call from a friend hoping that they will still be my friend it sucks i do agree because it just happened to me....

Anonymous said...

Well said hon and I can completely relate

scheng said...

It's true, never burn the bridge, sooner or later we will miss them, and want to turn to them.

Jill said...

A very powerful blog Also, my sisters blog is Both bloggers have lost their precious babies at birth.

Continue to hold on to each other in your family. Lean on God for understanding and peace.

Bitchin Blogger said...

I totally relate to this post. We have many things in common. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your blog.

Jen Goble said...

I think every mom has those moments they feel they could have done better. We just have to remember that we did our best and we cannot take it back. So just do your best and you will be happy with your best

Milija said...

Very well said. I think every person can find something that applies to him/her here.