Thursday, April 23, 2009

Check it out for yourself

Okay so I know some people that are on WIC. So, I figured they know what they are talking about. However, I decided to go ahead and take a look at the web site myself and low and behold, after the baby is born and I'm no longer working, we will be able to qualify. Yah! Huge burden lifted!


Stephanie said...

Good for you!! Glad you were able to find that out!

Jose said...

Cool! I am glad for you guys.

Michelle said...

Cool. Also just in case you may want to call your local office because some are requiring for babies to have a nutritional problem or deficiency to be accepted as well as you qualifying income-wise. This was the case for me when I had Arielle. Another friend with a 3 month old has had the same problem at my local office. And another friend of mine who's baby was born premature qualifies and was accepted. So just a heads up to check that out as well.

Arielle is the only baby we had to buy formula for... what kind do you plan to use?