Friday, December 31, 2010

This year

This year has brought about some changes in our lives, mostly changes within ourselves. I once again continue to work towards self awareness, who I am and who I want to be.

I will be going to college in the fall. Whether it's full-time or not will depend on what we qualify for and can afford. I was thinking psychology, but ultrasound tech sounds cool too.

I wish to find a new job. These hours suck ass.

Raul and I will continue to work on our marriage.

Kenny is doing well in his new school. Had a rough first month. Still wants to move back to old school, don't really understand why.

I feel that I have come to terms with the loss of our baby. However I am still angry with my doctor's office and several of their employees and IMS for the way things were handled.
We will not be trying to get pregnant again.

Right now I'm at a loss as to what to do about my own anxiety and depression. I want to seek therapy but not in Buckeye. Maybe I should do it the easy way and just increase my dosage.

Just a short summary of the year.


Anonymous said...

If you can choose- be an ultrasound tech- you'll always be able to get work and you could become quite well off if you specialise, eg. in 3D baby ultrasounds. Psychology is lovely to study but you rarely get the job you want unless you are the absolute best and pay for extra training. I did psychology and have spent 30 years without finding a permanent job & I was the top graduate from highschool in most subjects. My doctor's wife is an ultrasound tech- she opened a private clinic in her mid-forties (after 5 kids) and makes more money than he does, easily!

AisforRandom said...

good luck with school. don't be an English major, you'll never find a job. Don't by an Accoutning major, you'll never find your soul.