Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bad Weekend

Yesterday started off like any other Saturday. We were going to work on the car and possibly go see family. Then came a call from my sister. Dad had called her and Grandpa had had a heartattack. It apparently happen 3 days prior to him going to the hospital.

Of course this upset me greatly and I wanted to take the next flight out. I was online looking for a flight and my worst fear started to happen. I started to bleed. I had Raul call my OB's office, they said if I start having alot of pain or if it got heavy to go to the ER.

Well the bleeding has stopped. I still won't be going to be with my family. My mom says everything is ok there and he is in the hospital until atleast Tuesday. Of course with it being a holiday weekend they will not run tests until Tues.

I'm worried for both him and my baby. If he takes a turn for the worse I will pick up and go. For now I'm trying to stay calm and take it easy.


melo-duckworthoriginalz said...

That's the best thing you can do. At this point think about the baby more than anything.

Jenny from the Blog said...

You and the baby are in our thoughts! Just rest and take it easy.

Chely said...

You, your baby and your Grandpa are in my Prayers Gianna. Please rest and don't stress yourself. Leave everything in Gods hands.


Tia Chely

Michelle said...

First off I am sorry to hear about your Grandpa. And I agree with everyone else... try not to stress... it's not good for you or the baby. We're all thinking of you and your family!