Sunday, February 22, 2009

The right time

So we bought the ovulation kit. We hope it aids us in our quest to have another child.

So, Raul's boss is coming back. He left a few months ago. At first he claimed that he was going to quit. Then his regional boss talked Raul's boss into taking family leave instead. He packed up his things and moved to California. So Raul has been here doing the boss' job for 3 months with no compensation. *grumbles*

Well his boss comes back in a couple of weeks. Can't wait for Raul not to have to go in on Saturdays or Mondays anymore!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Whoa that sucks... can I grumble along with you?

Jr does way more at his job... and they only pay him $8/hr... really sucks...