So the doctor changed my meds a couple of weeks ago and just as I was getting used to them I came down with this cold. So, I've been trying to rest. However I have a tendency to sleep to long then wake up with low blood sugar. When I am awake my blood sugar is high. Anyways yesterday my sinuses were all dry and it seemed to have triggered a minor migraine. I finally made my way down to the restroom at work, got sick. The florescent lights in the bathroom were killing my head. Made my way back to our room, kids were all gone, so we left. Got to the car, felt like throwing up again. Well suppressed that urge. Almost didn't make it home. Felt sick, head was killing me, was shaking, and when I got home my blood sugar was at 60. With candy in mouth got in the shower, gave up on standing, laid bath for a while in the dark. Finally got out and used my tea kettle for steam to rehydrate my sinuses and about a half hour later I started to feel better. So, how was your day?