Tuesday, August 26, 2008

15 years

This last weekend we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. It's strange because we don't feel old enough for it to have been this long. It seems as if it was only a couple years ago that we graduated from high school. Now we've been together 17 years and have a 14 year old son. Wow, fifteen years...


Jose said...

Congratulations to the pair of you. Milestones are always great.

Chely said...



I am soooo happy for both of you.
What a blessing that is.


Tia Chely

Stephanie said...

Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!

Michelle said...

Wow congrats! That's pretty awesome! I feel the same about Jr and I... and we've only been together 4 years and married almost a year and a half. Crazy. But maybe it's cuz we've known eachother since elementary school.

Michelle said...

Wow congrats! That's pretty awesome! I feel the same about Jr and I... and we've only been together 4 years and married almost a year and a half. Crazy. But maybe it's cuz we've known eachother since elementary school.